
Showing posts from August, 2019

Canon EOS 80D 24.2MP Digital SLR Camera Review.

Canon EOS 80D 24.2MP Digital SLR Camera Review. So Hey! guys today we will review a camera which is manufactured by Canon. It's  model number is  1263C006. Yes I think most of you must have guessed it right. And those who can not don't worry, the camera is  Canon EOS 80D Digital SLR Camera. Comparison If we compare this camera with same price D SLR's,this camera has some cons and pros,lets elaborate it first:- Pros:- This camera has a super fast focusing. This camera has an excellent battery life. This camera might be used in some wet conditions. Cons:- This camera has a poor light performance without flash but becomes good with the use of flash. Image quality becomes poor after ISO 2500. RAW image type is somehow not good. So this was the pros and cons review of   Canon EOS 80D Digital SLR Camera. Let's now discuss about the technical specification about the camera:- The camera has an AV Port hardware inter...

NIKON D 500 D SLR Camera review.

NIKON D 500 D SLR Camera review. Hey! guys today we are going to  review (breakdown) a camera. Whose model name and number is D 500 and 1559 respectively.And is manufactured by Nikon. I think now most of you have guessed it right and those who could not for them the camera is  NIKON D 500 D  SLR Camera.   In manufacturing of D SLR's   Canon and Nikon both give each other a tough competition and both are a very good producers of D SLR's. But I have to say that this camera was a step ahead from it's expectation that is why Nikon got a step ahead from canon. Even  Canon EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR Camera   is also giving a tough competition to Nikon. And I hope that both will make more enhanced camera's.   There are some other camera's of Nikon itself that were left behind by this camera. Those camera are D750 , D3200 , D7200.  This was the total comparison review of  Nikon D 500 D SLR Camera. Let's now discuss about...

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR Camera.

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 30.4 MP Digital SLR Camera. So hey! guys today we will review on a camera that is manufactured by Canon and its model name and number is EOS and 1483c010 respectively. Yes you guessed it right the camera is  Canon EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR Camera. If we compare this camera with  Canon EOS 6D Mark II and Mark  I I I , I would say that this camera had an unpredictable change in it's quality and sensors. Mark  I I I at its launching time was mostly negatively reviewed that is why most of the users put of the idea to buy it and also one more big reason for that was it's high launching price. And I think if you use them then it's time to upgrade to   Canon EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR Camera. Let us now discuss about the technical specification of the camera :- This camera has an optical sensor resolution of 30.4 mega pixels. The weight of the camera is 816 g which makes this camera,easy to travel.It uses CMOS sensor that helps in the ...